Before we start, I would like to say that I am a huge fan of Molly McAdams. Taking Chances is just one of her many books, but this one was just so amazing that I had to share. I was on an emotional roller coaster! I laughed, yelled and did the ugly cry throughout the book. Thank you Molly for giving me the opportunity to interview you, it was a pleasure! I cannot wait to work with you again.
Molly's Bio from
Molly grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry four-legged daughter. Some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach…which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When she’s not diving into the world of her characters, she can be found hiding out in her bedroom surrounded by her laptop, cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm...or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.
Let's get to know Molly....
Can you describe Taking Chances in 20 words?
TAKING CHANCES is a tale of love, heartbreak, healing, having the courage to take risks in life, and second chances.
How did you come up with the idea for Taking Chances?
It was a dream, actually! Probably the most vivid dream I’ve ever had, and most heartbreaking!
Without giving away any spoilers, for those who have not read Taking Chances, what was your favorite scene to write?
Umm … either the Brandon/Liam/photo album scene. Or the Harper/Chase/shower scene.
Describe a typical day when you are writing. Do you have any pre-writing rituals?
No pre-writing rituals, but I have to be listening to music while I write. If I’m not, I start thinking about other things. If the TV is on, I just stare at it instead. And I will sit in my chair and not move for HOURS on end while I write. Haha
Do you have any plans for a book signing event?
I do! You can see all my events on my upcoming events page on my website at
For those who have not read Stealing Harper, can you give us an idea of what to expect?
Um … it’s going to be hard, but it’s worth it. Chase’s story needed to be told. About 95% of people who have read it have told me exactly that. And please read TAKING CHANCES first!
Are you currently working on your next book project? Can you tell us a bit about it?
I’m always working on my next book project ;) At the moment, I’m writing a novella called, CAPTURING PEACE. It’s loosely based off my friend, Tyler Seielstad’s life. He’s the amazing photographer that gives us all those amazing pictures of Charlie Keller! Check him
Will there be a third installment or will the second book end the story?
For TAKING CHANCES? STEALING HARPER ends Brandon, Chase, and Harper’s story. But I plan on writing another character’s story sometime next year.
What came first, the characters or the concept for the story? Both, since my stories come from dreams, I have a concept for the story and a feel for the characters all when I wake up.
If Taking Chances became a movie, who would your dream cast be?
Harper: Emma Roberts. Brandon: Channing Tatum. Chase: Charlie Keller ;)
Do you ever read the reviews about your books? If so, do you pay attention to any negative reviews or let them influence your writing?
I try not to. If someone actually sends me a link to their review, I will read it, but I tend to stay away from reviews in general. I’m grateful for the good reviews and the reviews with constructive criticism. But there are some reviews that are just straight hateful, and don’t help me as an author at all … and those reviews stay with you forever and make you question if you should keep doing it all. You can read 10 reviews, 9 good and 1 bad … and you’ll remember that 1 bad and it will ruin your entire day. So it’s just not worth it for me.
Do you have a favorite author?
Nicholas Sparks. LOVE him!
What are your favorite top 3 books that you would recommend? Ahh well I have a bunch of favorites from a bunch of favorite authors, so I’ll pick favorites from each of them. SAFE HAVEN by Nicholas Sparks. COME TO ME QUIETLY by AL Jackson. UNDENIABLE by Madeline Sheehan.
What book, if any, are you reading now?
I’m not reading anything! I so wish I was … I have a TON of books waiting on my Kindle!
Do you prefer to read traditional books or e-books?
I love e-books because they can’t be ruined, and they’re all in one tiny space, but I do collect traditional books of my favorites!
Out of the books that you have read, which character couple would you like to invite over for dinner and why?
Hawk Delgado and Gwen from MYSTERY MAN by Kristen Ashley … because Hawk Delgado is my book husband. That’s why. He’s mine. ‘Nuff said. Haha
If you could work with any author, who would it be?
That’s a really tough question. I feel like authors usually have such different writing styles that I don’t know how I would be able to work with one. Not saying I CAN’T. Just that I’d be afraid we’d have different views on things too often.
What inspired you to start writing?
My dreams. Hahah, I wanted them out of my head, started writing them out, elaborating on them … next thing you know, I’m writing a book!
How old were you when you start writing?
Technically, it was right before I turned 22. I didn’t realize I was writing a book until right before I turned 23.
Did you always want to be a writer?
No way. I hated reading until I was 20-21ish. Failed out of creative writing in college … definitely not lol!
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
Always write for yourself, don’t write about something just because it’s the “hot genre”. Write a book because you would want to read it.
What are your top 5 most important things in your life?Relationship with God. Relationship with my hubby. My family. My friends. To have fun and take chances in life.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
I have 13 piercings, but only actually put anything in two of them. Annnnd I have 10 tattoos.
Do you have any fears??
SPIDERS! SPIDERS SPIDERSSPIDERS SPIDER SPIDERS. And bees. And sharks. And bugs. On a serious note, I have fears of disappointing my hubby and family, failing … I have a lot.
What do you do for fun, besides writing?
I hang out with my husband and fur-baby! We watch movies, have movie-quoting wars … we’re homebodies. I love us.
Do you have any vices?
What was the last thing you googled?
Ha. Umm … I’m not sure, but I have no doubt it was for one of my books … and that probably put me on a list somewhere.
If you could describe yourself in 5 words what would they be? Crazy. Awkward. Happy. Dimples. Loud.
What is your biggest pet peeve? When my husband changes RIGHT next to the hamper, and leaves his dirty clothes on the floor next to the hamper instead of in it. It makes me want to scream!
Where was the last place someone spotted you and asked for an autograph?
In Vegas at the Naughty Mafia signing LOL! People have no clue who I am, what are you talking about ;)
Thank you so much for the interview! Is there anything else you would like your readers to know?
I absolutely LOVE my readers and am so thankful for all their support!
Where can your fans find you? (Social Media Links)
@MollySMcAdams - Instagram
To check out my review of Taking Chances click here
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